Prints Alone

Prints are available in standard and custom sizes.  I print my photos on fade-resistant, silver halide photography paper with a matte finish.  Prints in standard sizes can be ordered through the automated products panel.  I can also accommodate custom sizes, but there is a separate procedure to place those orders.

How to Order a Standard Print Size:

To order a print in a standard size, simply click on the photo you are interested in, then click the cart icon (seen below) in the bottom left to open the product panel for that photo.  Simply the size and quantity you would like.

This is the cart icon.(Just click this icon to open the purchase menu on a photo.)

Once you have added as many photos are you would like to your cart, proceed to your next photo or navigate to the “Cart” page and check out when ready.

How to Order a Custom Print Size:

To order a print in a size not listed in the automated menu, please navigate to the “Contact” page, enter your contact information, and submit a message with the details of your order, including desired size(s) and quantity, and be sure to include the title/file name of the photo you are interested.  This information will be available in white text in the bottom left of your screen when you click on a particular photo.

I will respond to your inquiries as quickly as possible with answers to any questions you may have and pricing information for the sizes and quantities you would like.  Pricing for custom sizes will be comparable to that for standard prints of equivalent size; I want to make sure you receive exactly the photos you want, and the printing process is the same for me.